Sarana dan Pra-sarana

SMAIT Adzkia Sukabumi bertempat di Jalan Cikiray Desa Sukamanah Kecamatan Cisaat Kabupaten Sukabumi dan masih berlokasi yang sama dengan Gedung SD IT Adzkia 1 dan SMP IT Adzkia.

Kegiatan pembelajaran dan kegiatan sekolah di tunjang dengan fasilitias yang memadai, nyaman, bersih, dan aman. Diantara sarana yang tersedia di SMAIT Adzkia adalah sebagai berikut.

  1. Gedung 2 lantai dan 3 lantai
  2. Laboratorium IPA (Lab. Biologi, Lab. Kimia dan Lab. Fisika)
  3. Laboratorium Komputer (Laptop semua)
  4. Akses Wifi
  5. Masjid
  6. Lapangan Futsal
  7. Lapangan Basket
  8. Lapangan Voli
  9. Lapangan Tenis Meja

Adapun sarana lainnya terdiri dari:

  1. Perpustakaan
  2. Aula
  3. Klinik Kesehatan
  4. Klinik Akademik dan Umum (BK)
  5. Kantin
  6. Kebun Kita
  7. Lahan Parkir
  8. Toilet
  9. dan lain-lain

Computer Science

Hands-on experience with the latest programming languages and technology. We have trained IT professionals who work closely with our students so they are prepared for the real world.

Fine Arts

Giving wings to the artists who’d like to take it up as a career or just a hobby. Our students are trained by professionals who help them develop, learn and polish their skills while at school.


The study of ancient and modern languages, philosophy, history, and more. We take pride in offering top humanity courses from a dedicated and trained staff.


The study encourages scientific reasoning, discoveries and inventions. Great teachers and well-equipped laboratories help students explore, discover and experiment new things under the best supervision.


Understanding the game of numbers and logic to solve real world problems. Learn mathematics from scholars and university toppers who not make it interesting, but also fun to learn.